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Press Release Details
- 2017.07.20
Contract award for Rescue Vehicle and Scuba Diving Gear etc. For The Dominican Republic
- 2017.04.19
Contract award for Micro Bus, Mini Bus and Ambulance For the Independent State of Papua New Guinea
- 2017.04.19
Contract award for Rescue Vehicle for Antigua and Barbuda
- 2017.01.27
Contract award for Mobile Water Purifier System with Vehicle For Federal Republic of Nigeria
- 2017.01.10
Futurebud awarded a contract for Mobile X-ray unit, Suction unit, Doppler fetal diagnostic device, 4 kinds of surgical instrument sets, and Electro surgical knife for Tonga
- 2017.01.10
Futurebud awarded a contract for Disaster Reduction Equipment for Tonga
- 2016.12.12
Futurebud awarded a contract for Pickup Truck and Station Wagon for the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
- 2016.12.02
Futurebud awarded a contract for Doppler fetal diagnostic device, Human model, Meat processing band saw and Vacuum packaging machine for Micronesia
- 2016.10.04
Futurebud awarded a contract for Bomb Locators and Personal Protective Equipment For the Kingdom of Cambodia
- 2016.09.29
Contract Award for Pickup Truck for the Republic of Guinea
- 2016.09.29
Contract Award for Dump Truck for the Independent State of Papua New Guinea
- 2016.09.29
Futurebud awarded a contract for Japanese Disaster Reduction Equipment for Federated States of Micronesia